
The Real Ancient Egypt

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Self-paced course




Reviews (13)



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a year ago

The format, featuring four professors who share complementary information, is just like Ancient Aliens.



9 months ago

You can't believe this video it's made up its a joke the info is wrong



a year ago

I was excited to see a new course on ancient Egypt after thoroughly enjoying Professor Bob Brier's course. I unfortunately was disappointed. It was an interesting concept to have four professors discuss different subjects independent of each other. However, it contributed to a very superficial treatment of the subjects covered. It seemed each professor was given about 20 seconds or less to make their contribution. NOTHING was covered in depth. I did like the graphics and visual supporting aids to the presentations. I cannot recommend the course but can recommend Professor Brier's course if you are interested in learning about ancient Egypt.


Gbanga MIke

a year ago

I did learn from this lecture series. It also had a format different from other courses. There were three lecturers who bounced back and forth on the same topic. My complaints - not the usual scholarly depth of other courses and a very distracting back ground music track. The topics covered were interesting and a change from other courses on Egypt I have taken (but they did seem to appeal to a more Indiana Jones view of archeology). I would recommend the course with some reservation



a year ago

I was intrigued by the premise of the course: to talk about what Ancient Egypt was "really" like. I found all four professors to be articulate, knowledgeable, and informative, but what I especially liked was they were not alway in agreement so I could see there was real discussion going on in the field and discoveries are still being. Another reviewer commented the lectures were a bit superficial due to the limited amount of time each professor had. I don't disagree, but I enjoyed what they were able to say in the allotted time. I can only hope they will have an opportunity to follow this up with a more in-depth dicussion.



a year ago

I’ve been buying these courses for about three years now, and have found them to be very very good. You have to look closely because some of them get very detailed and can be somewhat dry. The best course I have had and I wish I had had this instructor throughout my entire high school and college careers, was the man who did The Great Pharaohs of Egypt? I don’t know his name you could look it up he was amazing. I have had difficulties with some of their pricing’s which imply steep discounts, but when I go to purchase the discount seem to be more than they appeared . Clearly the prices of $200, $300 and $400 are not realistic given discount prices of $20, $30 and $40.



a year ago

Do be advised that it appears to be issued on the "Wondrium" label, not "The Great Courses: and there is no Course Guidebook included with the DVDs, as there has been with each of the DVD courses on "The Great Courses" label.



a year ago

This course is presented by 4 excellent Egypologists, each of whom has her own style and emphasis. Their stories have been expertly combined into an informative introduction to the long and varied history of ancient Egypt. Wish there were more lessons!



a year ago

I liked that there were multiple lecturers and a lot of helpful graphics. A really fun program to watch.



a year ago

I listened to this pretty much non-stop as the format is very engaging and the information clearly presented. The addition of photos and water color sketches adds a fun touch. The format with multiple speakers. all who clearly love Egyptology made the lectures lively. The nine lectures are a good introduction and invites the listener to delve deeper into Egyptian themes.