
How to Play the Ukulele

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Self-paced course




Reviews (52)



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2 years ago

This course is only for Ukuleles that are smaller than a baritone Uke. The course info doesn't tell you that . It Should!! Unfortunately tuning and keys are all different



2 years ago

G Major scale looks like a C Major scale in lesson 8 workbook. The chords don't look right in the workbook lesson 9. This class gives different information than another class I took. I'm just a beginner so I can be easily confused.



2 years ago

This course will have beginners frustrated within a few lessons. On lesson 9 my workbook and DVD didn’t go together. Took me several repeats before I realized workbook was showing bass ukulele chords and NOT tenor chords. I was really hoping to know half a dozen songs.



2 years ago

I had hoped to learn the basics in this course so I could then go on to learn the popular songs I want to play. But all Ukulele Songbooks are presented in Standard Notation, which is never covered in this course (only tablature notation). So I have no idea how to proceed. None of what I've learned here, though good it is, can be applied to reading the songs in any of the Ukulele Songbooks. Do I start all over again trying to learn the uke by learning how to read Standard Notation? I wish the instructor would have at least addressed this so I wouldn't be at such a dead end now and unable to go on. Very frustrated.



2 years ago

As an absolute beginner on Uke, I find this frustrating at several levels. First, I can read music - really well. But this course is designed to have you read tablature. But then without explanation, you're expected to be able to read rhythmic notation - I can, but a non-musician beginner will be lost. Then, you're "taught" to play chords and then go for a song with four different chords rapidly changing. It's too fast. To make matters worse, there's no explanation on how or what to do to make chords sound better - the notorious G chord in particular. Just practice till it sounds better. No helpful hints on moving/rotating the hand position. Fortunately, I found a YouTube video that was helpful. Strumming patterns are ok, but no mention of picks - some people will benefit from them easily. But my main issue is that I'd rather read notes than tablature, so another approach would have suited me better.


Johann H

2 years ago

I gave this course to someone as a gift. Have not had any feedback yet.



2 years ago

Just got a ukulele, and immediately signed up for this class. The teacher is wonderful, but he uses a tenor ukulele, which is tuned to low G. I have a concert uke, and I did try to tune it lower, but the G string becomes too loose and sounds terrible. So, back to high G I go. This tuning cannot match his when learning chord and note combos, such as when he plays “Ode to Joy” and leaves me scrambling to come up with my own combinations. This has made me a bit frustrated. Couldn’t he have written a variation of “Ode to Joy” using a concert uke as well as the version for the tenor? I imagine this problem is going to get worse as I progress, as he will have songs for his uke and not mine. I will probably have to abandon the course at that point.



2 years ago

Tried to place an order with Wes........a horrible customer representative. If he worked for me, he'd be walking home by now. Called again and placed my order with Chris who did a perfect job of answering my questions and taking my order. Wes almost made me make a personal commitment to never doing business with your company again.



a year ago

The teacher is excellent. Very clear, specific HOWEVER this is a course for very beginning beginners! It goes so slow that I just whizzed through the entire 24 lectures. If you know how to play a stringed instrument and/or know music theory, this class is not for you.



2 years ago

I'm enjoying the Ukulele course. It's fun to take out my ukulele every day and play a bit. The lessons progress well and the guidance is good.


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Beginner, Proficiency