EdLeed Media

EdLeed Media is a diverse community of almost 5,000 users: students of all skill levels, experts in the field, critics of educational programs and other study enthusiasts. Learn what they have to say and let your voice be heard too.

Join the EdLeed Media community: publish your text with us!

Become a contributor and

  • share the story of your learning journey;
  • make recommendations on our courses or external educational sources you use;
  • describe your impressions of our provider platforms and courses you’ve taken;
  • post your own educational content.

Why should you do it?

We see our mission in building an ever-growing community of bold-thinking individuals generous enough to share their honest opinions, fresh ideas and genuine excitement over new knowledge. In EdLeed we believe in the principle “each one teach one” and hope to make a difference – to encourage people like you to learn from each other’s experience and help them achieve specific goals so that eventually they enjoy life to the fullest. Together we can leave the world a better place than we have found it.

Here is how you can contribute.

We would like you to know that all texts submitted to EdLeed Media will be proofread by our editors. You will find the general submission terms below, so please, check that your piece of writing meets the criteria before sending it to us. When you are happy with the result, send the work to us. If necessary, we will slightly edit your text and publish it in the EdLeed Media feed.


1. Uniqueness

The texts you send us should not be previously published anywhere (including newspapers, journals, personal blogs, social media accounts, etc.). They should be original: no plagiarized or copied work will be posted in the EdLeed Media feed.

2. No advertising

Our community is a place where people share their personal stories and insights – not some ad pages. If you absolutely need to mention a company or brand – go for it, but don’t make your article sound like blatant advertising.

3. Good quality of text

We are looking for logically organized texts, written in a clear language with good spelling and punctuation. Your article can be informal but please do not use too many emojis, words written in all caps, and avoid swearing.

Writing advice for our contributors:

  • How to write in a simple and clear language?

    Imagine your mom or a friend is going to read your text. Will they understand what you want to say? If the answer is “yes”, everyone else will most likely get it too.

  • How to make your text easy to follow?

    Break it up into chapters, use headings and subheadings, and get into the habit of starting a new idea with a new line. The clearer the structure and the smaller the paragraphs the more readable your text is.

  • How to get people to actually read your text?

    Think of an eye-catching title which accurately conveys the main idea of what you've written. It is very important to name your text something that will attract your audience and tell them exactly what they are about to read. That’s why we want you to know that we reserve the right to change the title if we don’t find yours suitable.

Don't worry though, we'll come up with something cool.