
Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age

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Self-paced course




Reviews (3)



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2 years ago

Excellent study of this crucial period in world history. McInerney addresses not simply the political, but also the artistic, literary, scientific and religious aspects of the Hellenistic world. Strongly recommended.



2 years ago

As a friend said about another fine lecturer (in art history) years ago, I would take this lecturer's course on the history of the cardboard box. He's superb. His lectures are accessible, interesting, well organized each one, well sequenced chronologically of course, easy to follow but packed with information and interesting perspectives. His style is engaging, upbeat, he describes things well enough that I can imagine them (i listened to audio only, in the car and walking), defines terms as needed, refers back to past lectures as context as needed, and I've ordered another of his (ancient Greece -- I guess I'm working backwards)...I'll repeat from a previous review that I can do without the fanfare and applause with each lecture, but maybe that works for some people and at least it's brief.


Mad About History

2 years ago

This lecture series is very detailed and I needed some maps to follow the locations. No problem. I'm a college professor and a life long learner. I don't have the time to attend classes, and frankly there aren't any instructors at my college with the knowledge and organization of the presenters on The Great Courses. I've purchased about 20 of the courses and never been disappointed. This one really delivered. It's great to be able to listen to top notch professors at my convenience. I learn a lot!


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